Discom is a leader in noise reduction and emission control solutions. Together, we make the world more sustainable, cleaner and quieter.

Privacy policy

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The forms listed below are used on our website. Per form we explain:

    - How we process your data
    - The purpose of the form and the data we gather

    How long is the data stored

    The stored data contains little minimal sensitive information. Because we also want to analyse the data in the future and want to compare them with the data of today, we keep the data indefinitely, unless stated different for a specific form below.

    If wish to have your data removed, please let us know per email, phone or letter.

Form: Contact

Data | When using the Contact form to contact us, we will collect the following data:

- Name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Question/remakr

Purpose | We will process your data in order to answer the question or remark you send us, and if needed contact you.

Analysis | We might use the data to internally analyse our services in order to improve our service.